Before I get into what I want to say, I’d like to share a bit more about the journey I’ve been on over the last thirteen years. As many of you know, I started getting passionate about health beginning in 1998 when I began learning about the connection between health our and what we choose to eat. This led to the founding of a ministry called Healthy Moms, Healthy Families. My heart’s desire was to help others (especially moms) discover the benefits of feeding themselves and their families healthy, plant-based, whole foods.
Along the way, I published a newsletter, taught classes, ran a buying club for organic foods, wrote a book, spoke at conferences, and published magazine articles. I enjoyed it all very much, but there came a point in time, around 2005, when I felt the Lord asking me to let go of it all. And so I did. And for the next three years I basically sat at my dining room table and hung out with God. What I mean by that is that for three years, I was in the Word…for hours each day. I’d drop the kids off at their homeschool academy and I’d come home and worship, pray, and study the Bible. It was glorious! I loved every minute of it. And I learned so much! The Lord poured so much into me during that time.
I am eternally grateful that I didn’t hang onto “doing ministry". Those years of “doing nothing” – which is what it looked like to most of the world – were the most productive years of my life. Just “being” with the Lord deeply strengthened my relationship with Him. Soaking in His truth taught me so much. I can testify that John 14:26 is true: But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. The Holy Spirit really does teach us…if we take the time to listen.
It’s going to take a while to share all of what’s on my heart. But I’m looking forward to it. I certainly haven’t arrived; in fact I think I’m just getting started. There is so much to learn and it takes a lifetime. The fact of the matter is the Lord teaches us so that we can share with others. What we experience is not just for us - He wants us to encourage each other. It will be really good for me to put what I’ve learned into words. I learn a lot when I do. And I hope you will too.
I guess I’ll have to get back to the time :-)
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